Membership Fees & Assessments are paid annually. A pro-rated portion of Membership Fees and Assessments may be refunded only when a member resigns his or her membership in the Sol Sante Club and then only upon application to the Board of Directors and at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
The site fee is paid annually and is not refundable.
The site transfer fee is a one-time fee paid when a site is transferred from one member to another. This fee is not refundable.
Storage Fees are paid in advance for one or more full months that a member wishes to store a RV. Members who remove a RV from storage may apply to the Treasurer for a refund of the fees for the full months not used. No refund will be given for a portion of a month.
Firewood is purchased by the cord. Once firewood has been removed or collected no refund is possible. A member who has paid for firewood but has not removed or collected it may apply to the Treasurer for refund of the fee.
Members will be given refund for a prepaid social event when participation is cancelled more than 7 days prior to the event. No credit on account will be made when cancellation is less than 7 days prior to the event.
Should the event be cancelled by the Sol Sante Club, members who have pre-paid the event fee will be given a refund of the fees paid.