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Social Nudism, also called naturism, is a personal lifestyle choice of being clothing free in social settings. Social Nudism provides a sense of freedom, comfort and relaxation. 

As a child, did you ever experience the freedom of running around completely naked and revel in the thrill and freedom of it?  In reality nudism as an adult is no different. You can enjoy doing things like hiking, swimming and visiting with friends wearing only what Mother Nature provided you. Most naturists you talk to will tell you that nudism reduces the stresses of daily life and enables the mind and body for self-discovery. 

Although some may be a little skeptical of the experience to begin with, as it may bring forth certain mental and physical images about one's own certain shape, size or flaws.  This is completely normal as we all have been imbedded with a lifetime of self-consciousness at some point in time or another.  You will soon come to realize that none of that matters, nobody is "perfect". Perhaps it is because of the symbolic nature of clothes.  When they are gone, you can ignore all that; and, for whatever reason, people's beauty simply becomes more obvious. Most naturists would agree that once you have shed your clothes you also shed your inhibition which truly allows you to be in touch with yourself and your real personality. 

Sol Sante Club offers all the fundamentals for those who are interested in nude recreation. We encourage you to join us and experience nudism; with like-minded people, in a relaxed and non-invasive family atmosphere.

About Sol Sante

Sol Sante Club is a non-profit society incorporated in the province of BC. It was founded in the 1950’s by a group of dedicated nudists from the Victoria area. 



Office Hours 9am - 5pm (In Season)

Check In Time: Before 5pm - No Late Check In's

Check Out Time: 11:00 am

For Reservations only contact:
Phone : 250-743-2400
Address: 3120 Cameron Taggart Road, Cobble Hill, BC
V8H 0B6

                                                                                                *note: new postal code             

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